Mon, 4 August 2008
This week at Brunch a bit of everything. Mattt plays "The Belgian Nurse." This play was originally broadcast on January 13 2007 and is the story of two women volunteers with the UN and their friendship. It's deeper then that but give it a listen. After that we move to a show called "Great Lives," and a look at May West and finally Fred gives us a bit of "My Word." Don't forget that next week no Brunch as Matt's with the wife and family camping Fred will be attending the first ever radiooout of the past convention in Chicago Illinois. Wanna listen? Go to It'll be a blast. See you in two weeks and enjoy the program. |
Mon, 4 August 2008
This week on Brunch we say goodbye to Dan Dare. After we return to Earth we look again at Jean and Lionel. Lionel's off to his lecture in Norwich and Jean decides to surprise him. Then again it's Jean who is suprised. Now in Fred's hour we begin with Falco and "The Silver Pigs." Marcus Falco is a Roman detective in the year 70 A.D. He's a publican and is sent to investiate a senator's daughter's death. After that we meet for the first time the man in black. Oh otr fans know him from Suspense. But this is the BBC edition and we'll look at "The Judge's House." For all shows this week accept for Dan Dare if you have yung children ... well discretion advised. |